Harvard's 5 Tips for Better and Safer Student Travel

Harvard's 5 Tips for Better and Safer Student Travel

Want to travel more, but also want to do it more safely and without ending up broke? This is something that most people in the world have on their bucket list, and it is possible to do so when you have good tips and tricks up your sleeve.

And yes, traveling is a great way to de-stress and relax, see the world, open and broaden your mind, discover new things, and recover from burnout and routine. The problem is that it also has a high potential for things to go wrong and for unforeseen events to happen. This is not to say that it is better not to do it, but there are a few things to keep in mind before getting on the plane (especially if you are going to do it with children).

Preparing for a trip can be exhausting and stressful, and there is always a risk of forgetting important things (from checking whether insurance or a special visa was necessary to leave the lights on at home when leaving for the airport), so Harvard University knows that this happens to many and decided to present some important tips.

In fact, Harvard Health published a kind of checklist created by Harvard Medical School professor Wynne Armand, with tips that can help you in terms of health during vacations. Still, many more are really important (such as how important it is not to change seats on a flight).

student travel

1. Check health information

There are lists that you can consult about the health information of the countries you are going to visit, where you can learn about the vaccinations you may need, recommendations regarding water or food, or even the medications you should pack because they can be of great help if something happens to you at your destination.

You probably won't get sick or have an accident on your vacation. Still, it can happen, and it is essential to be prepared to avoid unexpected expenses or make a mistake that can cause you problems (like drinking tap water in places where it is not recommended). Also, remember to check the insurance rules. If you need to translate insurance documents into another language or check the grammar of applications, you can use a free paper writing service that can easily help you with this issue.

2. Read travel guides

Harvard has some travel guides, especially for students, because the guides help travelers to know which are the most important, iconic, expensive, or cheapest points of each city.

It is not entirely essential to read them, but they can significantly help when planning trips, so you know what is near the area you will stay, what you should visit, and even the free or accessible options in each city.

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3. Check cancellation and refund policies

This is something that Harvard started recommending during the time of the Covid pandemic (through the Harvard Global Support Services site). Still, it's something you should always do when traveling. It's important to know what policies airlines have on ticket cancellations and refunds so you know how much time you have to do so without losing all your money.

In addition, it is also recommended that you buy your flight with enough time in advance since this will allow you to have some time to analyze different price options or even take advantage of discounts.

4. Plan your meals

Armand says that meal planning not only helps you have a better idea of what you're going to spend and the places you want to visit (so you don't waste time deciding where to eat), but also lets you know what to avoid, for example, certain types of food that may cause you some allergy or discomfort. Of course, you have to leave time to be spontaneous, go off plan, and try good things, but always with caution

Generally, you should avoid raw foods, as you run a higher risk of stomach problems.


5. Start changing your schedule before your trip

Suppose you want to minimize jet lag and enjoy your vacation without feeling exhausted or waking up in the wee hours of the morning. In that case, Harvard recommends that you start changing your meal times and bedtime gradually before your trip to get closer to the time of the country you will visit, so you can quickly adapt.

Jet lag can cause you to lose valuable hours of your day and not get the most out of your vacation, so preparing yourself beforehand is a good idea.

We wish you a safe and pleasant time traveling!

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