7 Tips for Managing Headaches While Traveling to Enjoy Your Trip
There are a few things in life that make life worth living rather than feeling as though you’re simply existing. For most, this will include things like good food, better company, and possibly the chance to travel to interesting places and discover how other human beings interact with the planet, as well as spectacular landscapes you might never be able to appreciate without gaining first-hand experience. While traveling is a fantastic opportunity that you ought not to miss when the chance arises, it can become a serious cause for concern when you fall ill or are injured. Here, we’re taking a look at one of the more common ailments among travelers, both novice and experienced alike, which is how to deal with headaches when they choose to pop into your life. If you are prone to headaches, you should visit your doctor to ensure there is nothing untoward with your health, but for the average person, these tips should make dealing with them ever so slightly more manageable so that you can get on and enjoy yourself.
Speak With Your Doctor If You Are Prone To Frequent Headaches
Anyone not prone to frequent headaches will never truly understand the sheer pain caused by the various headaches. While most folks will experience some form of headache throughout their lives, if you are prone to frequent headaches, it can massively disrupt your life, not to mention your travel plans. Speaking with your doctor before you head out into the great unknown is not just a good idea but critical if you want to avoid spending all your money on the trip of a lifetime, only to be bed-bound for most of it. Your physician should be able to provide you with cluster headache treatment or any other medication and advise based on your specific type of headache so that you can be fully prepared when you travel. You can also discuss with them what sorts of things are most likely to trigger your specific headaches so you can aim to avoid them whenever possible. By knowing what your headaches are, how they come about, and stockpiling plenty of the pharmaceuticals required to alleviate them when they strike, you will be in the best position possible to get on with your life and enjoy the thrill of travel.
Drink Plenty Of Water Throughout Your Journey For Optimal Hydration
You’ve probably heard it all before: headaches typically result from a lack of proper hydration, and to avoid them, you ought to start sipping as frequently as possible. Well, this might be old news, but the fact that so many people still get dehydration-induced headaches stands testament to the fact that it’s not advice often adhered to. If you want to avoid falling victim to a sudden headache, the easiest and most efficient technique is to ensure that you have plenty of fresh water with you and sip it throughout the day. It’s better to sip rather than gulp, as the latter will only make you need to rush to the toilet more often, possibly sullying your trip by having to find and use some perhaps questionable lavatories depending on where you are in the world!
Always Carry Headache Medicine In Your Travel Kit
This tip is all good, but what constitutes a “headache medication?” Well, if we’re discussing over-the-counter drugs (which we are because if you have more serious headaches, you will have received medication as per the first tip in this post), we’re really talking about the following options:
Acetaminophen (Tylenol/ paracetamol)
Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB)
Naproxen sodium (Aleve)
You can generally find most of these medications in most countries worldwide, but always make sure you stash plenty from your home country in your day bag so that you will always have it on you when the dreaded aches come out of nowhere. For most folks, some version of acetaminophen will do the job just fine, but as always, it’s best to discuss the matter with your doctor to ensure that you won’t have any adverse reactions, which is something you really want to avoid when away from your home country.
Frequent Stops Help Reduce Stress And Tension, Minimizing Headache Triggers
Travel can be amazing, but it can also be incredibly stressful, and when you find yourself running around to catch the various planes, trains, and automobiles to ferry you to your following location, it can quickly become a lesson in stress management. In many ways, the following adhesive is aimed at anyone seeking a good time, not just those trying to avoid getting headaches, but by making frequent stops and simply taking things a little slower, you will enjoy yourself far more and reduce the chances of gaining a tension headache from all the running about. A slower pace also gives you the opportunity to remember to hydrate and eat food, which can also trigger headaches when you least expect them.
Aim For Regular Sleep Patterns To Avoid Fatigue-Related Headaches
Jetlag is something that most travelers have to deal with, and it is simply part and parcel of the experience. But if you allow it to disrupt your spelling patterns too much, you can find that you’re setting yourself up for all sorts of problems down the line, with headaches being only one. Try to get in the occasional siesta when possible, and remember that you’re traveling to have fun, not to burn the candle at both ends.
Choose Comfortable Travel Accommodations
Some travelers crave the hustle and bustle of staying in shared hostels, while others appreciate more comfort and less noise in their accommodation. It does not matter what you enjoy, but if you’re finding yourself falling prey to more headaches than usual, it might be a good idea to pick a quiet hotel, at least until you recover your strength.
Protect Your Body From Harsh Sunlight
The sun has a massive impact on the onset of headaches, and if you head outside with minimal sun protection, you leave yourself susceptible to headaches. The simple act of wearing sunglasses, a hat, and possibly sleeves can go a long way in keeping your head clear and avoiding getting sunburn that can put a dampener on your trip.
Traveling is undoubtedly something that everyone ought to experience at some time in their life, but when something like a headache strikes, it can ruin the affair. Following these seven tips is a start, but with a little more research and understanding of your triggers, you can prepare yourself to avoid them.