How to Protect Yourself When Traveling Within the US

How to Protect Yourself When Traveling Within the US

Traveling in the US can be very safe, but there are plenty of extra precautions travelers can take to be proactive and stay safe in any circumstances. Taking some time to be prepared and take safety measures can go a long way in giving you confidence and peace of mind. If you’re not sure where to start, here are some pointers on some of the top ways experts suggest staying safe when you’re traveling in the US. 

Know Your Routes and Have Alternative Options

From road trips to airline travel, hotel stays to vacation rentals, seaside vacations to ski trips, knowing you’re route is important and having amternatives is important. This applies whether you’re planning a road trip or utilizing air travel and a rental car to get to your destination. If you know the routes, you’ll be able to also identify alternates in case there are issues with roadways, construction, accidents, or even in greater emergencies such as inclement weather or evacuations. Have a plan for stopping in case you don’t reach your destination at the anticipated time, and be aware of traffic and weather information for the areas you’re traveling to. Also be in tune to major events happening in the city where you’re traveling as these can impact things like hotel availability, traffic, and more. 

Plan Stops at Rest Stops and Large Travel Stops or Gas Stations

Another way to stay safe when traveling is to plan out your stops. You can avoid stopping at smaller gas stations or places that are less populated or have more crime by anticipating stops at major rest areas or large gas stations or travel stops. By planning your stops at safe, well-lit areas (during the day when possible) you can feel confident you’ll stay as safe as possible. 

Have Emergency Supplies in Travel Bags or Your Vehicle

Since you never know when unforeseen circumstances can occur, it can be smart to have a few essential supplies in your carry-on or in your vehicle for safe and healthy travel. Things like important medicines, mini first-aid kits, extra change of clothes, water, high-protein snacks, extra cash, and an extra phone charger and battery pack are all items that can come in handy in a potentially dangerous or emergency situation. Sanitizer or hand-sanitizing wipes, and masks for areas where it’s highly populated, are also good safeguards for health. Self-defense items like pepper spray can also give you peace of mind as you’re traveling, but these will only be usable if you’re traveling by car, not by airline. 

Share Locations and Give Friends and Family Details of Your Travels

Whether you’re traveling solo or going on a family trip, having others aware of your plans is always a good safety precaution. Share your potential itinerary with others, and keep family and friends briefly updated as your travel plans progress. If you’re traveling by yourself or want to take extra precautions, consider sharing your cell phone or device location with friends or family members. That way they can check on you and ensure your location matches your travel plans, or be able to locate you if an emergency situation arises. 

travel essential

Have Digital Copies of Important Documents

Having copies and digital copies of important documents (such as health insurance cards, car insurance, hotel details, or other key information) could be helpful in emergency situations. Having multiple copies and scanned, and physical copies can help ensure you have the necessary information if needed. 

Avoid Traveling With Valuables, or Keep Them Safely Stored

Traveling with valuables in the US can, unfortunately, make travelers a target for theft. Whenever possible, avoid traveling with lots of valuable items. Keep valuable items you must travel with hidden away in your vehicle or stored securely in a hotel safe. Wear bags cross-body or keep wallets securely in your pockets. Be especially careful with bags, wallets, and valuables when utilizing public transportation. 

Keep Your Identity Safe While Traveling, Too 

While there’s often a focus on physical safety, identity theft, and digital safety are other key areas of concern for US travelers. To keep yourself protected, avoid using public Wi-Fi if possible, and if it’s not possible, avoid using it for sensitive information. Use due diligence when using credit cards or digital forms of payment, and be watchful when using ATMs and entering bank passwords. Also be careful what sensitive information you share verbally or by text, especially when traveling in public places where people may overhear or oversee your private information. 

Be Prepared Should an Incident Occur

While being proactive and diligent can go a long way for your safety when traveling throughout the US, it’s not always possible to avoid every type of unforeseen circumstance. Car accidents, personal injuries, and other incidents unfortunately still occur. If you do run into a situation in a city where you are traveling, know that there are legal professionals to help. Whether it’s a Nashville injury lawyer, a Charlotte car accident attorney, or a Chicago legal professional team, you can find reliable help as you’re traveling through major cities throughout the US. Though you can prevent every accident, incident, or injury, there is legal help available should one arise. 

Travel With Peace of Mind By Following Safe Travel Tips

You can’t always prevent issues or accidents, but doing things like knowing alternative routes, stopping at safe locations, having emergency supplies on hand, keeping friends and family informed, and being smart with your valuables can go a long way. Putting precautions into place for your digital and physical safety, as well as being prepared should unforeseen events occur, can give you the peace of mind you need for any of your travels.  

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