Weight Loss: How to Improve Metabolism

Weight Loss: How to Improve Metabolism

Men and women can support their metabolism in several ways. Metabolic processes convert nutrients from food into fuel to provide the body with energy. Metabolism refers to the number of calories the body burns at rest. A high metabolic rate means more calories are burned. 

Many things determine a person's metabolic rate. Their age, body composition, diet, health status, and physical activity level are just a few. However, a person can take steps to boost their metabolism. The following are a few measures a person can try today. 

Supplement with Magnesium

Magnesium has been shown to boost the metabolism, which will help a person lose weight. Many people get ample magnesium in their diet, but some struggle with a magnesium deficiency and will benefit from coq10 supplements. Speak with your doctor to learn whether you should use a supplement containing this mineral and which magnesium is best for weight loss based on your specific health requirements. 

Add Protein to Every Meal

Food has a thermodynamic effect because the body uses energy to digest and absorb what is eaten and process nutrients in consumed foods. Protein requires the largest amount of energy to digest. It also prevents the loss of muscle mass, and muscle mass burns more calories than fat when a person is resting. 

HIIT Training

HIIT training has been popular for a while now. A person alternates periods of standard activity with intense bursts of activity. HIIT training indirectly boosts metabolism because muscle cells burn energy when resting. HIIT training isn't necessary every day, but it should be incorporated into an exercise routine a few times each week. 

Strength Training

Strength training builds muscles, which burn more calories than fat. Metabolism typically drops when a person loses weight. Still, this lack of metabolic activity can be overcome by building muscle mass—alternate days of HIIT training with strength training to jump-start the metabolism. 

Stay Upright More

Countless men and women sit behind desks for hours daily, which shows in their metabolism. Standing and stepping at work lowers a person's cardiometabolic risk scores, weight, waist circumference, insulin, and more. Stepping while working lowers insulin resistance along with systolic blood pressure. 

Get up and move around every hour, or purchase a standing desk to spend more time upright. Few calories are burned when a person sits at a desk, so this small change can provide a massive boost in weight loss. 

Get Plenty of Sleep

A person's risk of obesity is directly related to how much sleep they get. A lack of sleep impacts ghrelin and leptin levels, which control hunger and satiety. When a person is sleep-deprived, they are hungry and may struggle to lose weight. Some people even gain weight when they don't get enough sleep. One study conducted in 2019 found that losing sleep four nights in a row can alter how the body metabolizes fat. Fortunately, one good night of sleep can restore normal metabolism. 

A person with a slow metabolism can take steps to overcome this problem. It all begins with a visit to the doctor. Medical professionals must ensure other factors aren't playing a role in the person's inability to lose weight. They may have a medical condition that prevents them from doing so. When this has been ruled out, the doctor can help the patient find the best way to boost their metabolism and take off the unwanted pounds, so this is where a person should always begin on their weight loss journey.

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